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Dagang Gang (Not Represented)

Voice Actor, Radio Broadcaster, D.J. Writer, Actor

10 hrLocation Needed

Service Description

Dagang Gang is a voice actor, radio broadcaster and writer who’s looking to add onscreen experiences to his modest profile. Dagang moved to Canada from Africa in 2015, where he worked as a communications expert for 15 years. Over this period, he helped some of the world’s most respected charities tell their stories through print, audio, digital platforms and yes, through video. In 2014, Dagang produced a documentary about women and their newborns dying during childbirth in Nigeria. The 15-minute documentary “When Communities Take Action: A Tale of Two Lifesaving Drugs” immediately caught the attention of Melinda Gates (wife of Bill Gates) and has so far been viewed over 104k times on YouTube alone. It was at this point Dagang fully grasped the lifechanging power of storytelling using visual mediums. Dagang is currently interning with a Canadian charity that works in Kenya on a documentary called 'Pendo' (Swahili for 'love'). Pendo is about how an artisan ragdoll is keeping rural Kenyan girls who are students of a sewing college safe and out of harm's way. In addition to DJing on Algonquin College’s two radio stations, most of Dagang’s time is spent behind the scenes - off-air and off-camera. Dagang’s current interests include acting, modeling, photography, graphics and video editing. He also loves to workout and cook for family and friends.

Contact Details


Ottawa, ON, Canada

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